Things can happen quickly.
The right concept, the right spark… Timing is everything. In less time than has passed since my last SFGN column, something has hit the global consciousness with such a furor that – incredibly – it is almost as big as WhatsApp and Twitter.
Pokemon Go has taken off in a way that no one could have anticipated. Strangers meet, discussions are held, accidents happen, even crimes have been solved with an augmented reality version of a game familiar to many Millennials. And the implications of it go far beyond the obvious.
Here, believe it or not, are some simple lessons for real estate from Pokemon Go. Catch them if you can. Well, you will catch them if you’re smart!
1. If there is a way to imagine it being done with technology, it will happen.
No, maybe it won’t happen tomorrow or even next year. But it will happen sooner than you think. And somebody is probably already thinking about it, if not working on it. Is there an innovation that could turn the whole process totally upside down, and leave longtime industry leaders by the side of the road in a matter of a couple weeks?
2. The more you get out and get moving, the better off you are.
Yes, theoretically, you can accomplish a lot from the comfort of your couch. But the greater successes are earned when you are out in the world interacting directly (not virtually) with the other players.
3. It can be fun. Life is about living.
This is something that needs to be reflected upon more carefully, and a reason why Pokemon Go (and in fact the entire real estate process) is so valuable right now. Times are troubled. The economy is teetering. Articles are appearing that speculate whether we are in a “buyers” market again at least in respect of condos. Unprovoked acts of violence lead to fear and anguish.
When done right, Realtors should be looking for ways to create value – to help make the world a better place. We do not exist to extract fees or cause problems. We need to ask ourselves, how do we create joy for our communities, how do we want people to think of us.
When the first word that comes to mind when you hear “Realtor” is similar to the first word you think of when you think of “Pokemon Go”, then we will be on the right track.